Jakub Osiecki


Bolszewicy a Kościół Ormiański

Apostolski Kościół Ormiański w Armenii sowieckiej
w latach 1920-1938


[ The Bolsheviks and the Armenian Church.
The Apostolic Armenian Church in Soviet Armenia in 1920-1938 ]


Kraków 2019, Księgarnia Akademicka, pp. 256


Excerpts from publishers’ reviews:

Ks. prof. Roman Dzwonkowski (Catholic University of Lublin):
Jakub Osiecki’s publication is an original academic achievement. It is also typical of the erudition, diligence and scrupulousness he brings to his work. The author analyses the themes he raises with outstanding intellectual ability. His knowledge of Armenian has permitted him to be the first person in Poland to consult the sources from archives in Armenia and Georgia as well as the literature in Armenian. The work is an important, fresh and original addition to the existing literature on the subject that will make a lasting contribution to learning.

Prof. Andrzej Pisowicz (Jagiellonian University):
Thanks to sound research conducted with the aid of modern methodology (oral history) and the enormous quantity of material covered, it represents a valuable contribution to the complex matter of investigating and understanding the history of religion in the Soviet Union. It throws light, for example, on such little-remembered facts as the existence within the Apostolic Armenian Church of a breakaway ‘Free Church’. It reads in places almost like a thriller. The passages that discuss the espionage of an Armenian clergyman from London, Abel Nazarian (Abel Abrahamian), offer one among a number of examples.

Prof. George Bournoutian (Iona College, New York):
Dr Jakub Osiecki’s publication draws on an extremely broad range of sources and represents a unique and vital contribution to the rarely-researched theme of contemporary Armenia and its church.

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