Andrzej A. Zięba

Dr hab. Andrzej A. Zięba is a historian from Jagellonian University specializing in questions of cultural history in the historical Polish lands in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries – especially religion, migration and ethnicity. During martial law he published in independent publications under the pseudonyms Aleksander Neuverth and Maurycy Prozor. In 1987-1989 he was a visiting scholar at the University of Michigan, Harvard University, the University of Alberta, and the University of Toronto. In 1994 he was a resident scholar at the Multicultural History Society of Ontario before taking up scholarships from the Lanckoronski Foundation in London and the Brzękowski Foundation in Paris. He was for many years the secretary of the Eastern European Commission of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences and is now its vice-chairman. In 1999-2003 he was deputy editor-in-chief of the Dictionary of Polish Biography. He is head of the Chair of Ethnic Relations at the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology in the Jagiellonian University, a member of the editorial board of “Krakowskie Pismo Kresowe” (Kraków Annual of the Borderlands of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth) and co-editor of “Lehahayer” (journal of the history of Polish Armenians). Furthermore, he is the author, co-author and editor of more than two-hundred works, which include Formuły patriotyzmu w Europie Wschodniej i Środkowej od nowożytności do współczesności (Formulas of patriotism in Eastern and Central Europe from the early-modern period to the present day, 2009); Ormiańska Warszawa (Armenian Warsaw, 2012); Ormianie polscy: kultura i dziedzictwo (The Polish Armenians: culture and heritage, 2016); Ormianie – historia i kultura (The Armenians: history and culture, 2017) and Ormiańska Polska (Armenian Poland, 2018). He is a winner of the Klio prize awarded by the Association of History Book Publishers, and of the Kraków Book of the Month Award. Professor Zięba has also been honoured with a silver Gloria Artis medal for outstanding achievements in culture by the Ministry of Culture and Heritage. He has been the director of the Research Centre for Armenian Culture in Poland since December 2019.


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