Statute of the Research Centre for Armenian Culture in Poland
§ 1. The Research Centre for Armenian Culture in Poland (hereinafter: Centre) was established by a resolution of the Council of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (hereinafter: PAU) of 10 September 2019.
The name of the Centre in eastern Armenian is:
Լեհաստանում Հայկական Մշակույթի Ուսումնասիրությունների Կենտրոն.
The name of the Centre in western Armenian is:
Լեհաստանի Հայկական Մշակոյթի Ուսումնասիրութիւններու Կեդրոն.
The name of the Centre in English is:
Research Centre for Armenian Culture in Poland.
The name of the Centre in Russian is:
Центр исследований армянской культуры в Польше.
The name of the Centre in Arabic is:
بولندا. في الأرمنية الثقافة بحوث مركز.
§ 2. The Centre is based in Krakow.
§ 3. The Centre’s device is attached as appendix one. It is to be used in conjunction with the device of PAU.
§ 4. The aim (mission) of the Centre is:
I. To conduct, inspire and coordinate research on: a) the history of Polish Armenians b) past and present relations between Poland and Armenia and c) the cultural heritage of the Armenian diaspora – especially in Central and Eastern Europe
II. To disseminate the results of research in these fields
III. To cooperate with other research centres, with organisations that support academic research, and with individual researchers working in the areas referred to above
§ 5. The Centre shall fulfil its mission by:
I. Carrying out team and individual research projects;
II. Publishing scholarly and popular material, including monographs, articles, collective works, bibliographies, dictionaries and encyclopaedias
III. Searching for historical sources, and digitizing and publishing them
IV. Publishing a scholarly journal – Lehahayer – devoted to the history of the Polish Armenians
V. Creating and maintaining a vertical portal (vortal)
VI. Organising scientific conferences, lectures and research workshops, and participating in similar undertakings organised by other entities
VII. Providing occasions for sharing knowledge and experience through domestic and international exchanges of scholars
§ 6. The Centre operates within the organisational structure of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences.
§ 7. The Centre is structured as follows:
I. Director
II. Deputy Director
III. Research fellows
IV. Associates not employed by the Centre
V. The Council of the Centre
§ 8. The director is appointed, for a period of no longer than five years, by the president of PAU at the request of the chair of the Centre’s Council, and after consultation with the PAU Council.
§ 9. The director is responsible for:
I. Managing the day-to-day affairs of the Centre
II. Setting the direction of the Centre’s work, appointing employees and associates, setting them tasks and directing their work, supervising publishing activities, coordinating national and international cooperation, and defining the Centre’s requirements
III. Representing the Centre before the PAU Board and on the Centre’s Council
IV. Representing the Centre externally
V. Preparing the Centre’s budget in consultation with the general secretary of PAU and its chief accountant
§ 10. If necessary, a deputy director is appointed by the PAU president at the request of the Centre’s director and following consultation with the PAU Council. A deputy director shall be appointed for a period of no longer than five years. The tasks of the deputy director are defined by the director in consultation with the PAU Board.
§ 11. The Centre’s research fellows are employed by PAU’s general secretary at the request of the Centre’s director.
§ 12. The associates not employed by the Centre but necessary to perform its tasks shall be employed by PAU’s general secretary at the request of the Centre’s director and on the terms of civil-law contracts. They carry out such tasks as shall from time to time be assigned to them, including research, translation, and other tasks consistent with the Centre’s profile.
§ 13. The Centre’s Council shall consist of at least ten, and no more than twenty, members. It is appointed by the PAU Council for a five-year term. It shall convene at least once a year at the request of the director. Its competencies shall include advising on substantive issues, supporting the Centre’s activities, representing the Centre as authorised by the director, and ensuring the Centre’s stability and continued existence. The Council’s chair is elected by the Council and it is permitted for such an election to be held electronically. The Council can appoint a trustee to provide for its material requirements.
§ 14. The Centre’s income consists of the funds (cf. points 17, 18 and 19) it is allocated each financial year from the Minister of Science and Higher Education’s subvention to PAU, as well as of donations, allowances, grants and subsidies from other sources (with respect accorded to the purposes expressed by the donors), and of proceeds from the sale of its own publications. The Centre is permitted to undertake paid commissions and expert tasks within its areas of competence. The revenue thus raised shall be included in its budget.
§ 15. The Centre operates based on a core-activities plan and financial plan submitted to the PAU Board by the end of October of the year preceding the relevant calendar year and approved by the PAU Council after it has received its subvention from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Changes to items in the financial plan require the approval of PAU’s general secretary.
§ 16. The rules for allocating funds to the Centre from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education’s subvention to PAU appear in appendix two.
§ 17. In return for providing administrative and financial support to the Centre, PAU shall receive 20% of the Centre’s subvention.
§ 18. Decisions taken by the Centre’s director that have financial consequences are approved by PAU’s chief accountant and by its general secretary.
§ 19. The rules for the provision of premises to the Centre are set out in appendix three.
§ 20. Applications submitted to external sources of research finance by the Centre’s research fellows must be approved by the Centre’s director – in consultation with PAU’s Office and Projects director – and secure the consent of the PAU Board.
§ 21. Applications are submitted, and approved projects (grants) are implemented, according to PAU rules.
§ 22. The Centre shall submit an annual report of its finances and core activities to the general secretary of PAU. The report is subject to approval by the PAU Council.
§ 23. The Centre shall provide its own library resources from purchases, exchanges, donations, and its own archival resources, which shall consist of the documents it has created and acquired.
§ 24. The Centre shall operate independently as a publisher and shall draw on its own financial resources to do so.
§ 25. If for any reason the Centre’s work cannot continue under the auspices of PAU, it can seek affiliation with another academic institution (to be chosen by the Centre’s Council) or become independent. In the above situation the Centre shall retain the rights to its name and to all its real assets, as well as to library, archive, publishing and financial resources that originate from its own funds or have been donated or assigned to the Centre. The Centre shall also retain its copyrights and the Internet-based informational resources produced by its research fellows and associates.
§ 26. The Centre requires a decision of the Centre’s Council and the approval of the PAU’s Council to withdraw from PAU. In the relevant year, the Centre cannot withdraw from PAU until the annual report has been adopted and the accounts for the financial year closed.
§ 27. The Centre’s statute is adopted by the PAU Council. Any amendments to it require the approval of the PAU Board and of the PAU Council.