Council of the Research Centre for Armenian Culture in Poland
Krzysztof Stopka, PhD, Prof.
Krzysztof Stopka is a historian by profession. He is head of the Faculty of the History of Culture and History Teaching in the Institute of History of the Jagiellonian University, director of the Jagiellonian University Museum, chair of the Eastern European Commission of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, editor-in-chief of the journal Lehahayer, chair of the Council of the Foundation for the Culture and Heritage of Polish Armenians in Warsaw, and the author or co-author of a number of books, including Ormianie w Polsce dawnej i dzisiejszej (2000) [Armenians in past and present Poland]; Armenia christiana. Unionistyczna polityka Konstantynopola i Rzymu a tożsamość chrześcijaństwa ormiańskiego (2002) [Eng. trans. (2016): Armenian Religious Identity and the Churches of Constantinople and Rome (4th-15th century)]; Ormiańska Warszawa (2012) [Armenian Warsaw], Języki oswajane pismem. Alografia kipczacko-ormiańska i polsko-ormiańska w kulturze dawnej Polski (2013) [Languages Tamed by Writing: Armeno-Kipchak and Polish-Armenian Allography in the Culture of Old Poland], and Ormiańska Polska (2018) [Armenian Poland].
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Monika Agopsowicz
Monika Agopsowicz is a member of the Council of the Foundation for the Culture and Heritage of Polish Armenians in Warsaw and the author of Kresy Pokucie. Rzeczpospolita ormiańska (2014) [Interwar Poland’s Border Region of Pokucie: An Armenian Commonwealth].
fot. Władysław Deńca
George A. Bournoutian, PhD, Prof.
Professor Bournoutian was a historian whose specialist fields include Armenia and Iran. Though now retired from lecturing, he has taught at Iona College, University of California Los Angeles, Columbia University, Tufts University, New York University and Rutgers University. His publications include: A History of the Armenian People Vol. II: 1500 to the Present, third edition (1998); Russia and the Armenians of Transcaucasia: A Documentary Record, 1797-1889 (1998); Armenians and Russia: A Documentary Record, 1626-1796 (2001); The Travel Accounts of Simeon of Poland (2007); A Concise History of the Armenian People, seventh edition (2018). Armenia and Imperial Decline: the Yerevan Province, 1900-1914 (2018); The 1823 Russian Survey of the Karabagh Province: A Primary Source on the Demography and Economy of Karabagh in the Early 19th Century, second printing (2012). Professor Bournoutian was a member of the Council from its inception until his death on August 22, 2021.
fot. Władysław Deńca
Armen W. Checzojan
historian, journalist and author of many social and academic international projects in the field of armenology; co-founder and editorial coordinator of the Armenian journal Aniw (2005–2013); director general and co-founder of the Aniw Foundation for the Promotion and Development of Armenian Studies (Minsk-Moscow-Yerevan).
fot. Bogdan Zimowski
Armenuhi Drost-Abgarjan, PhD, Prof.
Professor Drost-Abgarjan is an orientalist and armenologist. She lectures at the Oriental Institute at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (Seminar: Oriental Christianity and Byzantium) and is director of the Mesrop Centre for Armenian Studies in the same institution. The publications she has written, co-authored, or edited include: Cudik halleakan: kleine Sammlung armenologischer Untersuchungen (1995); Sprache, Mythen, Mythizismen: Festschrift für Walter Beltz zum 65. Geburtstag (2000); Die armenischen Kanones von Astowacayaytnowtiwn. Philologisch-literaturwissenschaftliche Untersuchung zum Saraknoc (2003); Armenologie in Deutschland: Beiträge zum Ersten Deutschen Armenologen-Tag (2005); Catalogue of the Armenian Library in Elisabethopolis (2011); Logos im Dialogos: Auf der Suche nach der Orthodoxie. Gedenkschrift für Hermann Goltz (2011); Schriftkunst und Bilderzauber Eine deutsch-armenische Festgabe zum 500. Jubiläum des armenischen Buchdrucks (2012); Sehnsucht nach der Hölle? Höllen- und Unterweltsvorstellungen in Orient und Okzident: Beiträge des Leucorea-Kolloquiums 2010 (2013).
fot. Bogdan Zimowski
Armen Edigarian, PhD, Prof.
Professor Edigarian is a mathematician and lecturer in the Faculty of Mathematical Analysis of the Jagiellonian University’s Institute of Mathematics. In 2003-2016 he was head of the Department of Financial Mathematics at that institute and, in 2008-2011, its director. In 2011-2016 he was dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Jagiellonian University and, since 2016, he has been a vice-rector of that university.
fot. Milena Kalczyńska
Zbigniew Manugiewicz
Zbigniew Manugiewicz is a member and former chair of the supervisory board of PMP Group. He is also co-author of U podnóża Owidiusza. Rozkwit i zagłada wspólnoty kuckiej nad Czeremoszem (2017) [At the foot of Owidiusz: the Flowering and Extermination of the Community of Kuty on the Cheremosh River].
fot. Bogdan Zimowski
Lidia Matynian, PhD, Prof.
Professor Matynian is a choirmaster. In 1999-2012 she was sub-dean, dean and vice-rector for student affairs at the Kraków Academy of Music, whose Institute of Choral Conducting, Music Education and Rhythmics she now directs. She is also conductor and leader of the boys’ choir at the Karol Szymanowski Philharmonic in Kraków.
fot. Milena Kalczyńska
Edward Mier-Jędrzejowicz
representative of the Armenian minority on the Joint Commission of the Government of the Republic of Poland and the National and Ethnic Minorities; ambassador of the Order of Malta to the Republic of Cyprus; president of the Roman and Natalia Gumiński Foundation in Warsaw; professionally associated with the telecommunications sector; graduate of Brunel University London (engineering); MBA from Cranfield School of Management; came to Poland following the political changes in 1989 to lead, as president, Poland’s first mobile telecommunications operator: PTK Centertel-Idea; president of Investment Fund/Venture Capital and ICL Polska; strategic advisor at Vivendi and Telia Sonera; Chair of the Supervisory Board at TTcomm S.A.; involved in many other telecommunications projects in Europe.
fot. Władysław Deńca
Claude Mutafian, PhD, Prof.
Professor Mutafian is a historian, armenologist and mathematician. He lectures at Université Paris XIII and is an overseas member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Armenian Republic. The publications he has written or co-written include: La Cilicie au carrefour des empires, 1-2 (1988); Zareh Mutafian, 1907-1980 (1990); The Caucasian Knot: The History and Geopolitics of Nagorno-Karabagh (1994); Roma-Armenia (1999); Atlas historique et culturel de l’Arménie: Proche-Orient et Sud-Caucase du 8e au 20e siècle (2001); Le Royaume Armé