Read more The legacy of Professor Edward Tryjarski in the RCACP collections
Category: News
Gift from Professor Andrzej Pisowicz
A valuable acquisition for the RCACP library
Kajetan Stefanowicz (1886–1920) was a Polish Armenian of Lviv, a painter, a soldier of the Polish legions during the First World War, and an NCO of the Polish cavalry in the Polish–Soviet War. He was awarded the Order of Military Virtue (Order Virtuti Militari), Poland’s highest military decoration, for his service.
All of these aspects of his life are reflected in Legionary Song in the Drawings of Kajetan Stefanowicz – NCO in the First Regiment of the Polish Legions (Pieśń legionisty w rysunkach Kajetana Stefanowicza – podoficera 1 Pułku Legionów Polskich), a book that has just been added to the collection of the RCACP library. It was published in a small print run by the author in 1916 at the printing shop of W.A. Szyjkowski in Lviv. It contains drawings illustrating the verses of well-known songs of the legions. The plates were made at the Tęcza (Rainbow) graphics workshop.
Seminar 18 February 2022
Appeal: Library of the Research Centre for Armenian Culture in Poland
Established in autumn 2019, the Research Centre for Armenian Culture in Poland (RCACP) is now in its third full year of conducting advanced research into the history of the Polish Armenians. The Centre is composed of an interdisciplinary team of researchers conducting individual and collaborative academic projects concerning Armenian history and culture (as broadly defined) in the context of the history of Poland and Armenia and their interrelationships. Books, journal articles, and source editions appear as a result of these efforts. The RCACP also engages in joint scholarly initiatives with a variety of communities and institutions in Poland and abroad.
Read more Appeal: Library of the Research Centre for Armenian Culture in Poland
Edited collection devoted to Armenian Benedictines in Lviv
As commissioned by the Foundation for the Culture and Heritage of Polish Armenians, an edited collection entitled Niewiasty z pastorałami: Portrety ksień klasztoru benedyktynek ormiańskich we Lwowie: historia, konteksty, konserwacja [Women with Crosiers: Portraits of Abbesses of the Convent of Armenian Benedictines in Lviv: History, Contexts, Preservation] has been compiled by the Kraków research community in cooperation with colleagues from other institutions. It represents the culmination of restoration work done on the portraits of the abbesses carried out by Jolanta Pollesch of the Museum of the Jagiellonian University. It is edited by Andrzej A. Zięba with an introduction by Maria Ohanowicz-Tarasiuk, the president of the Foundation for the Culture and Heritage of Polish Armenians.
Read more Edited collection devoted to Armenian Benedictines in Lviv
New edition of Lehahayer
Volume eight (2021) of Lehahayer (pp. 294), the annual journal devoted to the history and culture of Polish Armenians, includes the following texts:
Marcin Łukasz Majewski, Karta ze stosunków rodzinnych Ormian zamojskich: sprawa morderstwa Heleny Kistesterowiczowej (1680)
Monika Agopsowicza, Ormianie kamienieccy w ostatniej ćwierci XVII wieku – uzupełnienie spisu imiennego na podstawie kolejnych źródeł
Мaksym Potapenko, Ormianie Mohylewa Podolskiego pod koniec XVIII i w połowie XIX wieku (na podstawie badań statystycznych ludności)