Wednesday 5 January 2022 saw the visit of Fr Józef Naumowicz of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, who is a member of the Council of the Research Centre for Armenian Culture in Poland. He was accompanied by three students of theology: Jakub Szyszko of Yerevan, and Aharon Samvelyan and Emmanuel Muradyan of Warsaw. Before visiting the Centre, Fr Naumowicz, who has the cure of souls in the Armenian-Catholic parish of Saint Gregory of Narek in Warsaw, said Holy Mass according to the Armenian-Catholic liturgy at Saint Nicholas Church in Kraków for the recently deceased Dr Janusz Kamocki, a supporter of research into Armenian culture in Poland in the 1970s and 1980s. During their visit, the guests had the opportunity to learn of the Centre’s various projects and to inspect the publications produced by its team.

Photograph: Fr Józef Naumowicz, Professor Krzysztof Stopka, Jakub Szyszko, Aharon Samvelyan, and Emmanuel Muradyan

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