On 5 January 2022 as part of the ninth annual awards round for the National Programme for the Development of the Humanities, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education signed a decision regarding financing for the ‘National Heritage’ module (from 2019). The successful projects include a bilingual, Polish-English Encyclopaedia of the Polish Armenians. The beneficiary of the grant is the Foundation for the Culture and Heritage of Polish Armenians in Warsaw. The team carrying out the project will be led by Professor Andrzej A. Zięba and will be made up mostly of employees of the Research Centre for Armenian Culture in Poland. They will be assisted by the above foundation in Warsaw and by the Piramowicz Institute in Wrocław. Information on the project’s aims and assumptions, along with its individual stages, will appear on a dedicated section of our website.
Photograph: A section of an Armenian ornament, ca. 1893, drawing on paper, item no. 9732 from the Special Collections of the Library of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences and of the Polish Academy of Science in Kraków; Feliks Ścibałło collection; digitised by PAU; a PAUart project: www.pauart.pl; public domain.